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Tribeca Habitat Enhancement

The Tribeca Habitat Enhancement Project is a large-scale restoration initiative in Hudson River Park. This project deployed a variety of habitat features and added an incredible 11.2 million larval oysters to the Park’s Estuarine Sanctuary.

Hand holding up an oyster against the Manhattan city skyline in Tribeca at Hudson River Park

The Tribeca Habitat Enhancement Project deployed over 200 new habitat enhancement features in the waters between Pier 26 and Pier 34 including: 96 reef balls, 80 gabions, 18 textured piles, and 6 biohuts in addition to the existing 10 wraps at Pier 32, for a total of 210 structures.

The goal in installing these features is to create greater habitat diversity for the organisms that live in Hudson River Park’s Estuarine Sanctuary. The bottom of the Hudson River is mostly muddy and soft, so adding additional hard structure has two important benefits: it gives both encrusting organisms like oysters and mussels somewhere to settle, and mobile organisms like crabs and juvenile fish a place to hide.

Thank you to our project partners including the New York State Department of Conservation, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Billion Oyster Project and Hudson River Foundation.